there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them
serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years," -- Genesis 1:14.
Might God have used the stars as an eternal sign to man of His salvation plan?
![]() Vega ("He Shall Be Exalted"), Procyon("The Redeemer"), Pollux ("He Who Comes to Suffer"); The names of the stars speak of the Messiah, Jesus! The stars are awesome evidence of God's work. It appears that God had an additional purpose in the stars. When you closely examine the names of the stars and constellations, it appears they tell an important story of salvation. For example, among the brightest stars seen from the earth are Vega which means He Shall Be Exalted, Procyon which means The Redeemer and Pollux which means He Who Comes to Suffer. Although the information presented here cannot be substantiated except by the star and constellation names themselves, there does appear to be an incredible "coincidence" that the names and pictures of the stars and their constellations should completely and without modification fit the Biblical account. Scripture doesn't speak much about the stars and their use in describing God's plans. We do know that God created and named the stars (Gen 1:14, Psalm 147:4). It seems reasonable that He might have used the stars as an eternal sign to man of His salvation plan. It also seems reasonable that Satan would try to pervert God's sign by introducing Astrology -- which has obscured all other meanings. Let's begin by exploring what Scripture says about the stars. |
Stars Are Marks of "Appointed Times" When God created the heavens and the earth, He said: said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years," -- Genesis 1:14. "Days and years" in Genesis 1:14 describe one purpose for the astronomical bodies, that of measuring time, such as years, months and days. The phrase "for signs to mark seasons" describes a more intriguing use of the astronomical bodies. The Hebrew word used for seasons, moed, means a set time or appointed time. Moed is also used to refer to the feasts of Leviticus, appointed times the Israelites were to celebrate, which also teach of God's plan for mankind. Understanding the Hebrew root word moed, we see that a purpose of the stars is to serve as signs to mark appointed times. Could it be that they are intended to be a prophetic tool to show God's plans? |
Stars Teach of Jesus How might the stars be used as a prophetic tool? Romans chapters 9 and 10 give us some indications. In these chapters, the Apostle Paul states that during Old Testament times, Israelites didn't know the righteousness that comes from faith in Jesus and sought to establish their own righteousness, even though righteousness by faith had been revealed to them. In Romans 10:18 Paul quotes Psalm 19 to describe how righteousness by faith in Jesus had been revealed to the Israelites: But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did: "Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Psalm 19 describes the heavens. Verses 1-4 follow: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. By quoting Psalm 19 in this context, Paul could be saying that the stars had revealed the message of righteousness by faith in Jesus. Day after day, night after night the stars told the whole earth of God's plans for salvation. But how could the stars tell of God's plans? It appears that they speak through star and constellation names and pictures. |
God Named the Stars Although it takes a great deal of imagination to see the pictures associated with the constellations by looking at the star groupings, ancient civilizations all over the world (China, Babylon, Central America, Scandinavia, India, Rome, Greece, Persia, Egypt and Israel) called the constellations by the same or similar names and portrayed them with the same pictures. The zodiac in all of these ancient civilizations had the same twelve signs in the same order. What could explain this consistency, at a time when travel and communications were limited? The similarity of the names and pictures points to a common source -- but who gave the stars and constellations their names and meanings? Psalm 147:4 suggests that this Source was God, "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." |
The zodiac is mentioned
twice in Scriptures, in Job 38:32 and in 2 Kings 23:5, with the Hebrew word Mazzaroth,
which means "The Separated", "The Divided" or "The
Apportioned." In Job 38:32, God challenges Job to bring forth the Mazzaroth in its
season. Could it be that God brings the constellations of the Mazzaroth forth for viewing
at the proper time to show His plan? When we examine the star and constellation names, we see events that will happen in the salvation of man. Some events that the stars depict have occurred, such as the first coming of Jesus. Others are yet to be fulfilled, such as the gathering of the believers. Astrology has distorted the original purpose of the stars by using the same constellations of the zodiac, but attaching different meanings to them. Astrology claims to foretell future events based on the supposed influence of the astronomical bodies on day to day human life. |
How to Read God's Plan God's plan for man's salvation must be viewed in the proper sequence to be understood. Where the astrological zodiac goes from constellation Aries through constellation Pieces, God's Mazzaroth begins with constellation Virgo and ends with constellation Leo. Early zodiacs, such as the zodiac of Dendereh, dating back to 2000 BC confirm this. In the zodiac of Dendereh, a picture of the Sphinx is placed between Virgo and Leo. The Sphinx has the head of a woman and the body of a lion. According to scholars, the purpose of the Sphinx was to show the beginning and ending points for the ancient zodiac. The ancient zodiac started with Virgo the Virgin, shown by the woman's head, and ended with Leo the Lion, shown by the lion's body. Each of the twelve constellations of God's Mazzaroth has a prophetic meaning that tells part of the story of God's plan for man's salvation. Associated constellations and star names add to this prophetic revelation. |
Messiah's Two Comings Described The twelve constellations and their associated stars clearly depict the work of Jesus the Messiah as Savior of man. Jesus' first coming to suffer and die for our salvation, the blessings we have received and His second coming as a conquering King and Judge are portrayed. Because there is so much detail in the story of God's plan as revealed by the stars, we will first summarize the story, then provide more detail in later sections. The virgin birth of our Redeemer is described by Virgo, a virgin woman. Libra, the scales tells how our Redeemer paid the required price (scales were used for trading). Scorpio shows a scorpion wounding a man's heel, while being trodden under foot, in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 "[the seed of the woman] will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Sagittarius shows a duel-natured being (God-man) victorious over the serpent. |
Jesus, the Goat of
Atonement slain and resurrected to redeem His people is symbolized by Capricornus, the
dying goat having the tail of a live fish. The pouring out of the Holy Spirit to God's
people is shown by Aquarius, "pourer forth of water". Pisces, pictured as two
fish tied together with a band to Cetus, the sea monster represents God's people
restrained from freedom and blessing by being tied to the sea monster (the serpent).
Aries, a vigorous though wounded lamb with a crown encircling his head symbolizes Jesus,
the Lamb of God, as in Revelation 5:12: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to
receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
Associated stars picture a woman (the church) prepared as a bride, as in Revelation 19:7: "...For
the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." The second coming of Jesus to judge the earth is portrayed by Taurus, a ferocious bull and a symbol of power and rule in ancient Israel. The dual nature of Jesus in His two appearances -- the Suffering Servant and Conquering King -- is pictured by Gemini the twins. God's people will be sheltered during His wrath, as pictured by Cancer, "To Hold Or Encircle". Leo the Lion is a symbol of Jesus, "the Lion of the tribe of Judah", referenced in Revelation 5:5. Leo also depicts the destruction of the serpent through God's wrath. |
For convenience, we describe the constellations in three groups that describe three aspects of the work of Jesus as Savior of man. The first group of four constellations describe His first coming as a Suffering Servant. The middle group shows the result of His suffering, the blessings to the redeemed. The last group portrays His second coming as the Reigning Judge. |
The Redeemers First Coming
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius show the Redeemers first coming. Virgo depicts our Redeemer's virgin birth. Libra, the Scales tells how our Redeemer paid the required price (scales were used for trading). Scorpio shows a Scorpion wounding a man's heel, while being trodden under foot, in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 "[the seed of the woman] will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Sagittarius shows a duel-natured being (God-man) victorious over the serpent.
The Promised Seed of the Virgin Virgo tells of the virgin birth of the Desired Son that would be a Despised Sin Offering to redeem man. Virgo is Latin and means a virgin. Virga in Latin means a branch. Both words are used to refer to Jesus in the Latin Vulgate. Isaiah 11:1 refers to Jesus as the Branch and Matthew 1:23 refers to Jesus as virgin-born. Virgo is a virgin woman holding an ear of wheat in her left hand and a branch in her right hand. The ear of wheat refers to the Seed of the woman who is to bruise the head of the serpent as was described in Genesis 3:15. In John 12:24, Jesus refers to himself as the "Kernel of Wheat" that would fall to the ground and die in order to bring forth fruit. The three associated decans (constellations) include: |
Coma, The
Desired of all Nations. In Hebrew, Coma means "The Desired" or "Longed
For". The picture of Coma is a woman with a child in her arms. In ancient Egypt this
decan was called Shesnu (The Desired Son). The Desired Son is Jesus. The Hebrew
form of the word Coma is used in Haggai 2:7, "The desire of all nations shall
come". Centaurus, The Despised Sin Offering. Centaurus is a figure of a Being with two natures (God and man) piercing Lupus, the enemy (a decan of Libra) with a spear. The Hebrew name is Bezeh (The Despised). This word is used in Isaiah 53:3 to describe Jesus: "He was despised and rejected of men". Other names for the constellation include Asmeath (A Sin Offering) and Cherion (Greek: "The Pierced" or "One Who Pierces"). The dual-natured Being is over the Cross (a decan of Libra), showing his own death. Toliman (The Heretofore and Hereafter) is the brightest star in Centaurus. |
Bootes, He Cometh. Bootes is pictured by a man walking quickly, with a spear in his right hand and a sickle in his left hand. Bootes comes from the Hebrew Bo, and means "The Coming". Names of associated stars include: Al Katurops (The Branch, Treading Under Foot), Mirac or Mizar or Izar (The Coming Forth as an Arrow; The Preserver; or Guarding), Muphride (Who Separates), Nekkar (The Pierced), Merga (Who Bruises). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Tsemech | The Branch; Hebrew word exclusively refers to Messiah |
Zavijaveh | The Gloriously Beautiful |
Vindemiatrix | The Son Who Comes, the Branch Who Comes |
Subilah | Who Carries |
Subilon | Ear of Wheat (John 12:24) |
Coma | The Desired Son; woman with child (Hag 2:7) |
Centaurus | Dual Natured Being piercing enemy; also called Bezeh,: The Despised and Asmeath, A sin offering |
Toliman | The Heretofore and the Hereafter |
Bootes | He Cometh; picture: man walking quickly |
Al Katurops | The Branch |
Mirac | Coming Forth as an Arrow |
Muphride | Who Separates |
Nekkar | The Pierced |
Merga | Who Bruises |
The Required Price Paid Libra tells how Jesus paid the price to redeem us through His death on the cross and gained the crown of glory. Libra is portrayed by a pair of scales. Scales were often used in trading, to weigh the price paid. In Arabic, the constellation was called Al Zubena (purchase or redemption). The brightest stars of the constellation include Zuben Al Genubi (The Price Which Is Deficient) and Zuben Al Chemali (The Price Which Covers). The Price Which is Deficient undoubtedly refers to man's attempt to pay for his own redemption. The Price Which Covers refers to Jesus' sacrifice. The three associated decans (constellations) include: |
Crux (the Southern
Cross), The Cross Endured. In Hebrew its name was Adom, (Cutting Off), which
was referred to in Daniel 9:26 "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah
be cut off..."(KJV). This constellation was just visible in Jerusalem at Jesus'
first coming. It has not been seen in northern latitudes since then. Lupus (or Victima), The Victim Slain. This decan shows an animal that is falling down dead. The modern name for this constellation is Lupus, (Wolf). It is also known as Victima (Latin: The Victim) and Asedah (Hebrew: To Be Slain). In the zodiac of Dendereh, Lupus is portrayed as a child called Sura (a lamb). Isaiah 53:7: "He was lead like a lamb to the slaughter..." |
Corona (the Northern Crown), The Crown Bestowed. Corona is a picture of a crown of glory. "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death..." Hebrews 2:9. In Hebrew this constellation is called Atarah (Royal Crown). The brightest star in this constellation is Alpacca, (The Shining). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Zuben Al Genubi |
The price which is deficient |
Zuben Al Chemali |
The price which covers |
Crux; The Southern Cross |
The cross, also called Adom, the cutting off (Dan 9:26) |
Lupus | The wolf slain, also called Victima, the victim slain |
Corona | The crown bestowed |
Alpacca | The Shining |
He Bruises the Serpent's Head; the Serpent Bruises His Heel Scorpio shows the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 where God was speaking to the serpent after Adam's fall: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Scorpio the scorpion is trying to wound a man's heel, but is trodden under foot. The ancient name of this constellation is Akrab, ("A Scorpion", "Wounding", "Conflict" or "War"). The brightest star in Scorpio is Antares (The Wounding), which is red in color. Leseth, a star in the Scorpion's tail means The Perverse, representing Satan. Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Serpens (the
Serpent), The Serpent Struggling for Dominion. This decan will be described with
decan Ophiuchus. The brightest star is Unuk (Encompassing). It is also known as
Alyah (Hebrew: The Accursed); and Al Hay (Arabic: The Reptile). The star in
the serpent's jaw is Cheleb (The Serpent Enfolding). Ophiuchus (the Man), The Struggle with the Enemy. Together with Serpens, this decan shows the man (Ophiuchus) grasping the snake (Serpens) while stepping on the Scorpion's heart (shown by the red star Antares: The Wounding). The serpent is trying to get the Crown (a decan of Libra), to obtain dominion. The Greek name Ophiuchus is derived from Hebrew Afeichus (The Serpent Held). Stars include Ras al Hagus (The Head of Him Who Holds), Triophas (Treading Under Foot), Saiph (Bruised), Carnebus (The Wounding) and Megeros (Contending). |
Hercules (The Mighty One), The Mighty One Humbled, Yet Victorious. This decan shows a mighty man kneeling on one knee, with his right heel lifted as if wounded and his left foot over the head of the dragon Draco (a decan of the Sagittarius sign). He has a club in his right hand and a three-headed monster in his left. A skin of a lion that he has slain is thrown around him. Stars include Ras al Gethi (The Head of Him Who Bruises), Kornephorus (The Branch, Kneeling), Marsic (The Wounding), Ma'asyn (The Sin Offering) and Guiam (Punishing). In Psalms 91:13 "...the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." (KJV) |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Serpens | The serpent trying to obtain the Crown (Corona in Libira) |
Ophiciuchus | The Man struggling with serpent; Afeichus, the Serpent Held |
Hercules | The Mighty One with wounded heel, victorious over serpent |
Antares | The Wounding (red in color) |
Lesath | The perverse; in scorpion's tail, represents Satan |
Unuk | Encompassing; also Alyah, the accursed (in serpent) |
Cheleb | The Serpent Enfolding |
Rasal Hagus | The head of him who holds |
Triophas | Treading under foot |
Saiph | Bruised |
Carmebus | The wounding |
Megeros | Contending |
Ras al Gethi | The head of him who bruises |
Kornephorus | The Branch, kneeling |
Marsic | The wounding |
Guiam | Punishing |
The Redeemer's Triumph Sagittarius shows the dual-natured (God-man) Redeemer about to shoot an arrow through the enemy Scorpio's heart. In Hebrew, Sagittarius means Archer. It's Accadian name is Nunki (Prince of the Earth). Psalm 21:9-13 is a good Scriptural description of this constellation. Associated constellation Ara's fire is shown in verse 9: "...you will make them like a fiery furnace. In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up, and his fire will consume them." Verse 12 portrays archer Sagittarius: "for you will make them turn their backs when you aim at them with drawn bow." Verse 13 shows associated constellation Lyre's praise: "Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might." Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Lyre, Praise for
the Victorious Redeemer. Lyre is a picture of a lyre or harp. The name of its bright
star, Vega, means "He Shall Be Exalted". Ara (the Altar), Consuming Fire Prepared for His Enemies. Ara is an upside-down altar with fire blazing downward, depicting the lake of fire. The ancient Arab name for it was Al Mugamra (Completing or Finishing). The Greek word Ara is used as a curse to the enemy who will one day be cast into "eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10). Psalm 21:9-13 describes the fire of Ara (v. 9:"...you will make them like a fiery furnace. In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up, and his fire will consume them."), the archer Sagittarius (v. 12:"for you will make them turn their backs when you aim at them with drawn bow."), and the praise depicted by Lyre (v. 13:"Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might."). |
Draco (the Dragon) The Serpent Cast Out. Draco is a great dragon that has been cast out. Draco in Greek means "Trodden On". The Hebrew is Darach (To Tread). Psalm 91:13 speaks of this "...the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." (KJV) One of the stars in the head of Draco is named Rastaban (The Head of the Subtle) or in Arabic, Al Waid (Who Is to Be Destroyed). Other stars include Ethanin (The Long Serpent), Thuban (The Subtle), Giansar (The Punished Enemy) and El Atik (The Fraudulent) |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Naim | The Gracious One |
Al Shalua | The Dart |
Al Warida | Who Comes Forth |
Lyre | Harp |
Vega | He shall be exalted |
Ara | Upside down alter with fire blazing downward |
Draco | The great dragon who has been cast out |
Rastaban | The head of the subtle |
Ethanin | The long serpent |
Glansar | The punished enemy |
El Atik | The fraudulent |
The Blessings to the Redeemed
The result of the Redeemer's work, the blessings to the redeemed are shown by the second group. The constellations include Capricornus, The Atoning Sacrifice and Resurrection; Aquarius, The Holy Spirit Poured Upon the Redeemed; Pieces, The Redeemed Blessed Though Bound (depicting the current Church Age); and Aries, The Crowned Lamb and His Bride.
The Atoning Sacrifice and Resurrection Capricornus is a symbol of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus and the blessings procured for the redeemed. Capricornus is Latin for "goat" and is depicted by a dying goat having the tail of a live fish. It symbolizes the Goat of Atonement slain for the redeemed and new life coming forth. In Old Testament times, the goat was used as a sin offering, "...to take away the guilt of the community by making atonement for them before the LORD.", Leviticus 10:16-17. Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Sagitta (the Arrow), The Arrow of God Set Forth. This arrow is not meant for the enemy, but for the Son of God, and is sent by God. This is also seen in the prophecy about Jesus Christ in Psalm 38:2, "For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand has come down upon me." | Aquila (the Eagle),
The Pierced One Falling. Aquila is a falling eagle. Its stars include Altair (The
Wounding), Al Cair (The Piercing), Tarared (Wounded or Torn), Al Shain (Bright,
Red Colored), Al Okal (Wounded in the Heel). Delphinus (the Dolphin), The Dead One Rising Again. This is a dolphin that is full of life, with his head up and leaping out of the sea. This shows resurrection from death. |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Daneb Al Gedi | The Sacrifice Cometh |
Dabih | The Sacrifice Slain |
Ma'asad | The Slaying |
Sa'ad al Naschira | Who Carries |
Sagitta | The Arrow |
Aquila | A Falling Eagle |
Altair | The Wounding |
Al Cair | The Piercing |
Tarared | Wounded or Torn |
Al Shain | Bright, Red Colored |
Al Okal | Wounded in the Heel |
Delphinus | The Dolphin; The Dead One Rising Again |
Living Waters of Blessing Poured Forth for the Redeemed Aquarius is a symbol of the giving of the Holy Spirit to God's people. Aquarius (Latin: pourer forth of water) shows a man pouring water from an urn into the mouth of a fish. The water represents the Holy Spirit (represented in Scripture as water or wind) and the fish represents God's people. The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus. This pouring of the Holy Spirit is referenced in Isaiah 44:3 "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." The man in the constellation is called Hupei Tirion ("The Place of Him Coming Down" or "Poured Forth"). Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Piscis Austrinus (the
Southern Fish), The Blessings Received. In Arabic, its name is Fom al Haut (The
Mouth of the Fish). This decan is a fish with a wide open mouth into which flows water
from Aquarius. This is a picture of the church receiving the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Pegasus (the Winged Horse), The Soon Return of the Redeemer. This decan is a winged horse. Peka or Pega means "Chief" and Sus means "Swiftly Coming". The stars in this constellation include Markab (Returning From Afar), Scheat (Who Carries), Enif (The Branch), Matar (Who Causes to Overflow with Joy). From the stars, we see the message that the Branch (Jesus) is swiftly returning from afar. This message is also given in Revelation 22:20: "Surely I come quickly". (KJV) |
Cygnus (the Swan), The Sure Return of the Redeemer. This decan is pictured as a swan flying across the heavens. In both Greek and Latin its name means "circling" and "returning". In the zodiac of Dendereh, it was called Tesark (This From Afar). Stars include Deneb (The Lord Comes), Albireo (Flying Quickly), Sadr (Who Returns as in a Circle), Azel (Who Returns Quickly) and Fafage (Shining Forth). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Hupel Tirion | The Place of Him Coming Down; Poured Forth |
Sadal Suud | The Pourer Out |
Sheat | Who Goes and Returns |
Meon | An Urn |
Picis Austinus | The Southern Fish; Fish receiving water from Aquarius; Depicts blessings to God's people |
Pegasus | Pega means "chief"; Sus means "Swiftly coming" |
Markah | Returning from Afar |
Scheat | Who Carries |
Enif | The Branch |
Matar | Who Causes to Overflow WIth Joy |
Cygnus | Circling, Returning; The Sure Return of the Redeemer |
Deneb | The Lord Comes |
Albireo | Flying Quickly |
Sadr | Who Returns as in a Circle |
Azel | Who Returns Quickly |
Fafage | Shining Forth |
Deliverance Out of Bondage Pisces is pictured as two fish that are tied together with a band (one of the associated constellations) to Cetus, the sea monster (a constellation of Aries). The fish, a symbol of God's people, are restrained from freedom and blessing by being tied to the sea monster. Another of the associated constellations shows a chained woman (God's people) and the third associated constellation shows the Deliverer near by. The Egyptian name from the zodiac of Dendereh is Picot Orion or Pisces Hori (The Fishes of Him That Cometh). Associated decans (constellations) include: |
The Band, The
Redeemed Bound, But Binding Their Enemy. This is the band that connects the two fish
and the sea monster (Cetus, a decan of Aries). Its Egyptian name was U-or (He Cometh).
In Arabic it was called Al Risha (The Band or Bridle). Andromeda (the Chained Woman), The Redeemed in Their Bondage and Affliction. Andromeda is a picture of a woman whose arms and feet are chained, in misery and trouble. The chained woman represents Christ's church in bondage to sin. In Hebrew it is called Sirra (The Chained). The names of its stars are: Alpheratz (The Broken Down), Adhil (The Afflicted), Mirach (The Weak), and Al Mara (The Afflicted). The Deliverer (Cepheus) will free her, as in Isaiah 52:1-3: "...loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money."(KJV) |
Cepheus (the Crowned King), Their Redeemer Coming to Rule. Cepheus is a glorious king, crowned, enthroned with a scepter in his hand. Cepheus means "the Branch". It is also called Hyk (The King). In the zodiac of Dendereh it was called Pekahor (This One Cometh to Rule). Its stars include Al Deramin (Coming Quickly), Al Phirk (The Redeemer) and Al Rai (Who Bruises or Breaks). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Alsamaca | The Uphold |
Okda | The United |
The Band | Band that connects two fish with Sea Monster |
Andromeda | The Chained Woman |
Alpheratz | The Broken Down |
Adhil | The Afflicted |
Mirach | The Weak |
Al Mara | The Afflicted |
Cepheus | Crowned King, Enthroned with a scepter in His hand |
Al Deramin | Coming quickly |
Al Phirk | The Redeemer |
Al Ral | Who Bruises or Breaks |
The Crowned Lamb and His Bride Aries, a vigorous ram or lamb with a crown encircling his head, is a symbol of the crowned Messiah, Jesus and His Bride the church. In Latin, Aries means "the Lamb", "the Chief" or "the Head". Revelation 5:12, in describing the Messiah says: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" When Jesus was crucified on the 14th of the Jewish month Nisan, the sun had entered Aries and was at the spot of the stars El Nath (Wounded, Slain) and Al Sheratan (The Bruised, The Wounded). The associated constellation Cassiopeia is a picture of the church (God's people) prepared as a bride, as in Revelation 19:7: "...For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Cassiopeia (The
Enthroned Woman), The Captive Delivered and Preparing for her Husband, the Redeemer.
Cassiopeia is the same woman who was chained in Pisces, now freed and enthroned. She is
fixing her hair with her left hand and adjusting her robe with her right hand. Cassiopeia
means "the enthroned" or "the beautiful". In Arabic it is Ruchba (The
Enthroned). In the zodiac of Dendereh it is known as Set (Set Up As Queen). An
ancient name was "The Daughter of Splendor". Its stars include Schedir (The
Freed) and Caph (The Branch). Cetus (the Sea Monster), The Great Enemy Bound. Cetus is the largest of the constellations. It represents Satan. Its stars include Mira (The Rebel - Satan was the angel who rebelled against God), Menkar (The Bound or Chained Enemy), and Diphda (The Overthrown). |
Perseus (the Breaker), "The Breaker" Delivering the Redeemed. Perseus is a soldier with a sword in his right hand and a helmet on his head. In his left hand he carries his adversary's head dripping blood. Perseus is Latin for "the breaker". In Hebrew, it is Peretz (The Breaker). In Micah 2:12-13, the Messiah to come (Jesus Christ) is portrayed as the Breaker that goes ahead of His people: "...I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah...The breaker is come up before them..."(KJV). In the zodiac of Dendereh, Perseus was known as Kar Knem (Who Fights and Subdues). Stars include Mirfak (Who Helps), Algenib (Who Carries Away) and Atik (Who Breaks). The star in the adversary's head is called Algol (The Demon) also known as Rosh Satan (The Head of the Adversary). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
El Nath | Wounded, Slain |
Al Sheratan | The Bruised, The Wounded |
Cassiopeia | The Enthroned Woman |
Caph | The Branch |
Cetus | The Sea Monster |
Mira | The Rebel |
Menkar | The Bound or Chained Enemy |
Diphda | The Overthrown |
Perseus | The Breaker |
Mirfac | Who Helps |
Algenib | Who Carries Away |
Atik | Who Breaks |
Algol | The Demon |
The Redeemer's Second Coming
The second coming of the Redeemer is shown by the third group of constellations. The constellations include Taurus, The Coming Judge of the Earth; Gemini, The Duel Natured King; Cancer, His Possessions Held Secure; and Leo, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
The Coming Judge of the Earth Taurus, a ferocious bull called rimu in the Hebrew Scriptures portrays Jesus' second coming to judge the earth. The wild bull symbolizes power and rule. In Numbers 23:22, Balaam described God's power in leading Israel: "God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox (Hebrew: rimu)." Stars include The Pleiades (Congregation of the Judge), Aldeberan (The Governor, Captain, Leader) and Elnath (The Wounded). Jude 14-15 describes the Lord's coming for judgment: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone..." The three associated decans (constellations) include: |
Orion The Glorious One. Orion is a mighty hunter (a picture of Jesus) with a big club in his right hand and a lion skin in his left hand. His left foot is raised to kill Lepus, his enemy (a decan of Gemini). Orion means "Coming Forth as a Light". In Hebrew this constellation is called Chesil (A Strong One, a Hero). The Egyptians called it Hagat (This Is He Who Triumphs). The hilt of Orion's sword is the figure of a Lamb. Stars include Betelgeuse (The Coming of the Branch), Rigel (The Foot That Crushes), Bellatrix (Quickly Coming or Swiftly Destroying), Saiph (Bruised), Alnitak (The Wounded One), Mintaka (Dividing as a Sacrifice), Algebor (The Mighty), Alnagjed (The Prince), Almirzam (The Ruler), and Heka (Coming). Orion is a symbol of the Lord, the Light coming forth, as in Isaiah 60:1-2: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee..."(KJV) | Eridanus Wrath
of God Poured Out on His Enemies. Eridanus is a river of fire that wanders through the
sky toward Cetus (a decan of Aries), through the northern hemisphere ending at the star
Achernar (The After Part of the River) in the southern hemisphere. Other stars
include Cursa (Bent Down) and Zourac (Flowing). The fiery stream of God's
wrath in judgment is referenced in Daniel 7:9-10: "A fiery stream issued and came
forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten
thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened." (KJV) Auriga, Protection of the Redeemed in the Day of Wrath. Auriga is a picture of a shepherd holding a mother goat with a pair of kids - safe and protected in the arms of the shepherd. Its stars include Capella (She Goat), Men Kalinan (The Chain of the Goats), Elnath (Wounded or Slain - as in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep"), and Haedi (The Kids). In Ezekiel 34:22 God speaks of His flock: "I will save my flock, and they will no longer be plundered. I will judge between one sheep and another." |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
The Pleiades | Congregation of the Judge |
Aldeberan | The Governor, Captain, Leader |
Elnath | The wounded or slain |
Orion | Mighty Hunter; Coming Forth as a Light; Carries sword with hilt having the figure of a lamb |
Betelgeuse | The Coming of the Branch |
Rigel | The Foot That Crushes |
Bellatrix | Quickly Coming or Swiftly Destroying |
Saiph | Bruised |
Alnitak | The Wounded One |
Mintaka | Dividing as a Sacrifice |
Algebor | The Mighty |
Alnagjed | The Prince |
Almirzam | The Ruler |
Heka | Coming |
Eridanus | River of Fire |
Acherna | The after part of the river |
Sourac | Flowing |
Auriga | Shepherd holding safe a mother goat with kids |
Men Kalinan | Chain of the Goats |
Haedi | The Kids |
The Dual Natured King Gemini symbolizes the dual nature of the Messiah: Suffering Servant and Conquering King. The twins of Gemini were called Castor and Pollux in Latin, and Apollo and Hercules in Greek. Apollo or Castor means "Ruler" or "Judge". Hercules or Pollux means "Who Comes to Labor or Suffer". Stars include: in the foot of Pollux - Alhena (Hurt, Wounded or Afflicted); in the leg of Castor - Mebsuta (Treading Under Foot). This is a fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Associated decans (constellations) include: |
Lepus The Enemy Trodden Underfoot (a picture of Satan). Lepus is a rabbit that is located below Orion's foot (the foot that contains the star Rigel "The Foot That Crushes"). An ancient Persian zodiac shows this constellation as a snake, which is likely its original representation. Its stars include Arneb (The Enemy of Him Who Comes), Nibal (The Mad), and Sugia (The Deceiver). | Canis Major, Coming
Prince of Glory. The modern picture of Canis Major is a dog. The ancient
representation was Naz (The Hawk Coming Swiftly Down). Stars include Sirius (The
Prince), Mirzam (Ruler), Adara (The Glorious), Wezea (The Bright, The
Shining) and Alshira Aljemeniya (The Prince of the Right Hand). Canis Minor, The Coming Redeemer. The modern picture of Canis Minor is a dog, smaller than Canis Major. The ancient Egyptians called it Sebak (The Conquering or Victorious). Its ancient picture was a human with a hawk's head. Its stars include Procyon (Redeemer, Saviour), Gomeisa (Burdened or Bearing for Others), Alshira Alshemeliya (The Prince of the Left Hand). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Alhena | Hurt, wounded or afflicted |
Lepus | Modern: Rabbit; Ancient: Snake |
Arneh | The Enemy of Him Who Comes |
Sugia | The Deceiver |
Canis Major | Modern: A Dog; Ancient: The Hawk Coming Swiftly Down |
Sirius | Prince |
Mirzam | Ruler |
Adara | The Glorious |
Wezea | The Bright, The Shining |
Alshira Aljemeniya | The Prince of the Right Hand |
Canis Minor | Modern: Dog; Ancient: The Conquering or Victorious |
Procyon | Redeemer, Savior |
Gomeisa | Burdened or Bearing for Others |
His Possessions Held Secure Cancer is a symbol of a shelter for God's people. Cancer comes from a Latin root word "To Hold Or Encircle". In the zodiac of Dendereh it was called Klaria (Cattlefolds). The modern picture for Cancer is a crab. From the translations of its name and the names of its stars, it's likely that it had a different ancient picture. Its stars include Tegmine (Holding), Acubene (Sheltering or Hiding Place), Ma'alaph (Assemble Thousands), Alhimarean (The Kids or Lambs) and Praesepe (Multitude). The three associated decans (constellations) are: |
Ursa Minor, The
Stronghold of the Saved. Ursa Minor is known as the Little Bear. Another name
for it was Arcas (The Stronghold of the Saved). It is felt that the Greeks may have
mistakenly thought the constellation was called by the Persian word Dob (Bear)
rather than the Hebrew word Dowb (Sheepfold). Thus the original meaning of this
constellation may have been a sheepfold, thus representing the church. Ursa Major, The Assembled Flock. Ursa Major is known as the Big Bear. Job 9:9 and 38:32 refer to this constellation. The Hebrew word used means "To Hasten or Assemble Together". The constellation is called Alnaish (The Assembled Together) by the Arabs. As with Ursa Minor, it is felt that the Greeks may have mistakenly thought the constellation was called by the Persian word Dob (Bear) rather than the Hebrew word Dowb (Sheepfold). Stars include Dubhe (A Heard or A Flock), Merak (Flock), Phad (Guarded or Numbered), Megrez (Separated), Alioth (She Goat), Mizar (Small), Alcor (The Lamb), and Alcaid (The Assembled). |
Argo, The Travelers Safely Home. Argo means "A Company of Travelers". Its stars include Canopus (The Possession of Him Who Comes), Tureis (Possession), Soheil (The Desired), Asmidiska (The Travelers Released) and Sephina (Abundance). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Tegmine | Holding |
Acubene | Sheltering or Hiding Place |
Ma'alaph | Assemble Thousands |
Alhimarean | The Kids or Lambs |
Praesepe | Multitude |
Ursa Minor | Modern: Little Bear; Ancient: Stronghold of the Saved |
Ursa Major | Modern: Big Bear; Ancient: The Assembled Together |
Dubhe | A Herd or Flock |
Merak | Flock |
Phad | Guarded or Numbered |
Megrez | Separated |
Alcor | The Lamb |
Alcaid | The Assembled |
Argo | A company of travelers |
Canopus | The Possession of Him Who Comes |
Tureis | Possession |
Soheil | The Desired |
Asmidiska | The Travelers Released |
Sephina | Abundance |
Lion of Judah Leo the Lion is a symbol of "the Lion of the tribe of Judah", Jesus, referenced in Revelation 5:5. In the zodiac of Dendereh, the word Knem (Who Conquers) is written under the constellation of Leo. In Hebrew it was called Arieh (Lion). In Syriac it was Aryo (The Rending Lion). Leo is a lion standing on the serpent Hydra. Its stars include Regulus (Treading Underfoot), Denebola (The Judge Who Comes), Algiebha (The Exaltation), Zozma (Shining Forth), Minchar Alasad (The Tearing of the Lion) and Aldafera (Enemy Put Down). The three associated decans (constellations) are: |
Hydra, The Old Serpent Destroyed. Hydra means "The Abhorred" and is a picture of a serpent (Satan) being destroyed. Its brightest star is Alphard (The Excluded or Put Out of the Way). Revelation 20:10 speaks of this event: "And the devil that deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone...and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever"(KJV). | Crater, The
Wrath of God Poured Out on The Serpent. Crater is a picture of a cup. It symbolizes
the cup of the wrath of God, mentioned in Revelation 14:10 and Revelation 16:19. Corvus, The Devouring of the Old Serpent. Corvus is a raven who is tearing at the flesh of the serpent Hydra. In Revelation 19:17-18 it describes fowl eating the flesh of the enemy. Stars include Alchibar (Accursed), Algoreb (Raven), Minchar Algoreb (The Raven Tearing to Pieces) and Minchar Alsugia (The Deceiver Torn to Pieces). |
Summary of Associated Stars and Constellations
Name | Meaning (Translation) |
Regulus | Treading Underfoot |
Denebola | The Judge Who Comes |
Algiebha | The Exaltation |
Zozma | Shining Forth |
Minchar Alasad | The Tearing of the Lion |
Aldafera | Enemy Put Down |
Hydra | The Abhorred; pictured as a serpent |
Alphard | The Excluded or Put |
Crater | Cup (of the wrath of God; Rev 14:10 and 16:19) |
Corvus | Raven tearing flesh of Serpent Hydra |
Alchibar | Accursed |
Algoreb | Raven |
Minchar Algoreb | The Raven Tearing to Pieces |
Minchar Alsugia | The Deceiver Torn to Pieces |
Heavens Declare the Glory of God
The stars speak God's message of salvation. They tell of prophecies that have been fulfilled, such as the virgin birth, atoning sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus and the giving of the Holy Spirit. Through the stars we can foresee events that have yet to be fulfilled, such as the day of God's wrath, the safety of God's people during God's judgment upon the world and the coming of Jesus to judge and to rule.
Although the practice of Astrology has distracted us from the true purpose of the stars, God's meanings still come shining through as the Light of the World.
Due to limited space, all of the star and associated constellation names and meanings could not be described here. Two good books for further study and references for this booklet are "The Witness of the Stars" by E. W. Bullinger and "God's Voice in the Stars" by Kenneth C. Fleming. Scripture quotations are from the New International Version copyright 1985 by The Zondervan Corporation, except where noted (KJV= King James Version).
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